Growing Leaders - Career Success
Chair: Louisa Nalder
National Chap/POA-a group of planners, organizers and writers that work together to meet POA deadlines and prepare the Nat Chap application
Growing Leaders - Leadership
Chair: Annabelle Hankins
Executive Committee-This is officer team that is in charge of the Nampa FFA Chapter.
Growing Leaders - Personal Growth
Chair: Louisa Nalder
These are the committee chairs. They will have different responsibilities-based on the committee they are in charge of
Building Communities - Citizenship
Chair: Zeb Arnold
Community Service-A group that works together to plan and carryout monthly community service projects for the chapter.
Building Communities - Stakeholder Engagement
Chair: Skylar Schoenecker
Auction Logistics-a strategic planning committee that works with the alumni to plan and carry out the background work for the annual scholarship auction.
Strengthening Agriculture - Agricultural Advocacy
Chair: Hunter Milich
Fundraising Committee. In charge of scholarship raffle ticket sales, concession involvement and other fundraising activities
Strengthening Agriculture - Agricultural Literacy
Chair: Roxy Cleverly
Events: This committee will plan and execute major chapter activities that inform members, parents and community about FFA and what agriculture is about.
Strengthening Agriculture - Chapter Recruitment
Chair: Roxy Cleverly
This committee will be responsible for recruiting new members throughout the Nampa school district in all the middle schools and high schools.
Strengthening Agriculture - Safety
Chair: Lailah Pisca
This committee is responsible for the Ag building and surrounding areas. Cleaning, organizing, and inventory control along with maintenance.
Strengthening Agriculture - Support Group
Chair: Natalie Butkowsky
Publicity. Coordinates a team, selects and prints pictures and designs the chapter scrapbook.